Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPIs help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals. The WorkBench Suite for Infor ERP SyteLine helps you understand how you (or any member of your team) are performing by monitoring data in real time and displaying your KPIs in a color-coded graphical format.
If you need to do even more research into your KPIs, the WorkBench Suite comes with a point and click ad hoc report writer that is geared toward end users. You can sort, filter, summarize, arrange, and save your formats with a click of the mouse from any form within SyteLine (even your personalized forms). Once you have your report set how you like it, you can save it for future access or simply send it to a printer, Excel, or a PDF document. Or you can use the report on your screen as a research and navigation tool— no need to print your report, just right click on the item, customer, order number, etc. and proceed directly to the appropriate SyteLine form for that information.
Whether you’re a C-level officer monitoring strategic company-wide KPIs or a billing manager who needs to streamline invoicing for better cash flow, Workbench gives you quick, time-saving access to data and connects you to supporting layers of related data. You’ll increase productivity, provide valuable role-related feedback, and support each employee’s problem-solving efforts. Take advantage of a range of role-based Workbenches, including:
- Customer Order Workbench
- Customer Service Workbench
- Item Workbench
- Inventory Workbench
- Job Workbench
- Partner Workbench
- Project Workbench
- Purchasing Workbench
- Service Management Workbench
- Unit Workbench